Food processing methods pdf
Food processing methods pdf

food processing methods pdf

Some of these more radical approaches are chemically-based, some biological and some physical. It is not intended as a sole method of preservation, but as a pre-treatment prior to freezing, drying and canning. to destroy enzyme activity in fruit and vegetables. At the same time, there is a reawakening of interest in even more radical approaches. There are a number of types of heat processing employed by the food industry.

food processing methods pdf

You already know what shelf life of food means. By preserving foods, we are also increasing their shelf life. It may be as simple as boiling of milk or complicated like pickling of mango or lemon. More innovative techniques, such as the use of ionising radiation, are increasingly being employed. Food preservation is a form of processing of food to prevent it from spoilage and making it possible to store in a fit condition for future use. New techniques of preservation more-or-less derived from traditional procedures(chilling freezing drying curing conserving fermenting the addition of preservatives heatpasteurisation and sterilisation)include the successful application of combination preservation or 'hurdle' methods, vacuum- and modified atmosphere-packaging, and continuous sterilisation coupled to aseptic packaging. Название: New Methods of Food Preservation

Food processing methods pdf